بالامس مات ايمن اسماعيل سكرتير الدكتور ايمن نور والمتهم الثانى فى الدعوة الملفقه من قبل الحكومه بتزوير توكيلات حزب الغد
مات ايمن اسماعيل مشنوقا فى زنزانته وهى احد الزنازين المخصصه للمحكوم عليهم بالاعدام وفى هذه الزنازين لا يسمح بوجود اى وسيله يمكن ان تستعمل فى الانتحار ثم ان بيان وزارة الداخليه اوضح ان ايمن اسماعيل كان وحده بالزنزانه لا يوجد مساجين اخرين معه الا ان جريده الاهرام الحكوميه نشرت ان هناك ثلاثه مساجين كانوا محبوسين فى نفس الزنزانه
هل مات ايمن اسماعيل ام قتل
الاجابه على هذا السؤال تضح عندما نعرف ان ايمن اسماعيل هو الشاهد الذى تراجع عن شهادته ضد ايمن نور وقال انه اضطر للشهاده ضده تحت ضغط من مباحث امن الدوله والذين هددوده بتعذيب اسرته واختطفوا فعلا بنات اخته
ايمن نور فى يوم 21اغسطس تقدم ببلاغ الى النائب العام بانه عرف مكان اختباء المحكوم عليه بعشر سنوات فى القضيه الملفقه بتزوير توكيلات حزب الغد وطلب سرعه القبض عليه وخصوصا انه يتردد على مكتب موسى مصطفى موسى
كما اعلن ايمن نور فى بلاغه ان احد المحكوم عليهم فى نفس القضيه ويقضى الان عقوبته لديه معلومات جديده وخطيره قد تؤدى الى الافراج عنه وكان يقصد ايمن اسماعيل
فهل بعد كل هذا نسال هل قتل ام انتحر
بعض المنشقين اتباع موسى مصطفى موسى تسائلوا ماذا لو تم قتل ايمن نور داخل السجن وقيل انه انتحر
ارى انه ليس سؤالا عاديا ولكنه سؤالا امنيا
فيريد امن الدوله عمل استقصاء عما يمكن ان يحدث من اعضاء حزب الغد ومن انصار ايمن نور اذا قتل ايمن نور داخل سجنه
فهل يقتل ايمن نور داخل سجنه ثم يتم الادعاء بأنه انتحر
اعتقد ان رد الفعل سيكون قوىىىىىىىىىى جدا من انصار ايمن نور ومن اعضاء حزب الغد
Yesterday died Ayman Ismail secretary Dr. Ayman Nour, the second defendant in the invitation fabricated by the government of rigging the party tomorrow Agencies Ayman Ismail diedhanged in his cell, one of the cells for death row in these cells does not allow the existence of any means can be used in suicide eight by the Interior Ministry explained that Ayman Ismail was alone Balznzanh no other prisoners with him but the government newspaper Al-Ahram reported that the Three prisoners were incarcerated in the same cell Is Ayman Ismail died or killed The answer to this question discerned when we know that Ayman Ismail, is the witness who retreated from his testimony against Ayman Nour, said that he had been forced to testify against him under pressure from the State Security Investigation who Hddodh torturing his family and kidnapped his sister actually blocks Ayman Nour on August 21 provides a communication to the Attorney General that he knew a place to hide sentenced ten years in the case of rigging fabricated Agencies party tomorrow and requested speed arrested especially since he is reported to the Office of Musa Mustafa Musa Ayman Nour also announced that one in its row in the same case and is now serving his sentence he had new information that might lead to serious released and was intended Ayman Ismail After all this we ask whether killed or committed suicide Some dissidents followers Musa Mustafa Musa wondered what would have been killed Ayman Nour in prison and said that he committed suicide I think it is not an ordinary question, but a question of security Feride state security work survey what could happen tomorrow of Party members and supporters of Ayman Nour if killing Ayman Nour in prison Will kill Ayman Nour in prison and then claim that he committed suicide I think the reaction will be very strong supporters of Ayman Nour and members of the party tomorrow
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