اخر ضحايا التعذيب
توفى محمد جمعه حسن الدهشورى _(حميدو ) متأثرا بجراحه التى اصيب بها من جراء التعذيب الذى لقاه على ايدى كلا من اسامه جمعه رئيس مباحث قسم الفيوم ومعتز عبد المنجى الظابط بالقسم
وقد كان يحاول الدفاع عن احد المواطنين الذى كان يطارده بعض الرجال بلبس مدنى الا انه تعرض للضرب على ايديهم وبعد ساعه حضرت قوات من الشرطه لتلقى القبض عليه وتم تعذيبه بالقسم الذى ادى الى اصابته بنزيف بالمخ وتهتك بالكبد والطحال وتم نقله الى المستشفى ولكن محاولات علاجه فشلت الى ان توفى الاربعاء الماضى19/9وقد حاول عضو مجلس شعب سابق بالفيوم استرضاء اهله بخمسين الف جنيه ثم رفع المبلغ الى مائة الف جنيه الا ان اهله رفضوا وقدموا بلاغ ضد ظباط قسم الفيوم
Another Torture Victims Mohammed Jumaa Hassan died Aldhishori _ (Hamidou) died from injuries sustained as a result of torture at the hands of the established both Osama Jumaa President Investigation Section Fayyoum and Mutaz Abdel defense Zabott section It was trying to defend one of the citizens who was pursued by some men wearing civilian only that he had been beaten on their hands and hour after attending the forces of the police to arrest him were tortured section, which led to his injury and brain haemorrhage CONTRACT lacerations and spleen was transferred to the hospital, but attempts failed to be cured that died last Wednesday, September 19 has tried a former board member people Fayyoum governorate appease his family Fifty thousand pounds and then increased the amount to one hundred thousand pounds, but his family refused and filed against Zbat Communication Section Fayyoum
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